Friday 9 November 2018

Commercial radio

3 purposes of commercial radio:
- Advertising
- Selling newscasts
- To make money

List 2 regulators and explain what powers they have
- ASA = edit advert
- Radio Centre = edit scripts

Name 3 codes in accordance to regulators
- Use of children
- Ethics
- Fairplay

List 2 styles of radio commercials:
- Humour
- Shock

List 2 persuasive devices in radio:
- Creating a scenario
- Sound - diegetic / non-diegetic

Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
1. Physiological needs - food, water, drink
2. Safety needs - security, protection, free from danger
3. Love + belonging needs - friends, family, community
4. Esteem needs - respect, self-acceptance, self worth
5. Self actualisation needs - fulfil one's potential, do what you are suited for

One-off - Doesn't link to any other adverts under the company/ product

Part of a series - Adverts that all link together/ creates a story

Drama - Longer than usual adverts/ powerful - motivational speaker

Sound bed - is a term used to describe the sound (music, room tone, sound effects) that subtly plays during each scene to help create an atmosphere for that location

Non - diegetic sound - Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: narrator's commentary. soundeffects which is added for the dramatic effect. mood music.

Diegetic  sound - Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world. Digetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound Diegesis is a Greek word for "recounted story"

Purpose of commercial radio:
Selling newscasts
Making money - competitions/ events

Regulatory bodies:
Ofcom / ASA    - Codes: use of children/ ethics/ watershed / fair-play
Radio centre - scripts

3 word rule:
1. Inform
2. Persuade
3. Sell

Different styles of radio adverts:
humour - stereotypes / play on words
shock - character (voice of child)/ narrator-story/ sound = diegetic-non-diegetic/music-instrumental

THINK! - Bet:
Inform - Makes a statement/ rhetorical question - Lets you know that you are driving over the speed limit
Persuade - Engages listener by using a conversational tone and creating a scenario
Sell - 'THINK!' - play on words

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