Thursday 17 January 2019


  1. Who are the two linguistic philosophers that semiotics is developed from?
Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sanders Pierce

     2. Which French ‘Structuralist’ recently developed this media concept?
          Roland Barthes

    3. The two methods:
a. Describing the TEXT is called denotations
b. Myths and associations with the TEXT is called connotations

   4. What quest is at the heart of the semiotic approach?
       Semiotics is frequently seen as having important anthropological and sociological                                                            
  5. Identify the factor that is given for readings of a media texts that determines the
      variety of meanings it can give? It can depend on the genre

  6. What word is given for OPEN TEXTS? Polysemic

  7.  Popular and mass culture e.g. mass media texts are known as CLOSED texts.

  8. Anchorage where words, captions or logos are used to direct a reader towards a    
      particular meaning.
  9. Preferred meaning is when a text prefers one particular meaning.  These can be a result of
      media producers agendas and assumptions.

 10. Define Stuart Hall’s THREE main types of audience decoding:
           a. DOMINANT:  the reader fully accepts the preferred reading so that the code                  
               seems natural and transparent.
          b. NEGOTIATED: the reader partly believes the code and broadly accepts the  
              preferred reading, but sometimes modifies it in a way which reflects their own    
              position, experiences and interests.  
         c. OPPOSITIONAL: The readers social position places them in an oppositional   
             relation to the dominant code. They reject the reading.

11. How media texts speak to an audience is known as direct address.

12. Define what the MALE GAZE is:
      The male gaze is the way heterosexual men tend to objectify and sexualise women.

13. What is semiotics?
     Semiotics is the study of signs and their meaning in society. A sign is something   
     which can stand for something else.
  1. How could you apply this to a MUSIC VIDEO?

We can see different meanings in society and we can understand what these meaning stand for.

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